AALTO University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, separate studies, 2019-2020
AALTO University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Master of Arts in scenographic design (2011-2015)
Kuopio School of Handicraft and Arts and Crafts , Artisan 2nd degree, costume design (1986-1989)
Kuopio School of Handicraft and Arts and Crafts, Artisan, costume design (1984-1986)
Oulu City Theatre, costume designer (1997)
Kokkola City Theatre, costume designer, head of the costume departement (1993-1996)
Q -Theatre, member of the board 2011- and chairman of the board 2019-2023, supplementary member
Theatre Quo Vadis, member of the board 2017- and chairman of the board 2020-2023
(work in process, TT, directed by Hili Iivananinen, set design)
(work in process, Q-teatteri, directed by Anna Jaanisoo, set design)
("Cock", Teatteri Jurkka, directed by Tuomas Parkkinen, scenographer)
"Cabaret", Kouvola Theatre, directed by Maiju Sallas, (set design)
"Pienen hauen pyydystys", Oulu Theatre, directed by Janne Pellinen, (set design)
"Minä, Tellervo, yhteistyö TT - Lahti Theatre, directed by Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen, (set design)
"Everstinna", Rovaniemi Theatre, directed by Maiju Sallas, (scenographer)
"Kolme iloista rosvoa", Kouvolan teatteri, directed by Olka Horila, (set design)
"Colorado Avenue", Vaasan kaupunginteatteri, directed by Maiju Sallas, (set design)
"Arjen palapeli", communal theatre in Q-teatteri, directed by Jaana Taskinen, (scenographer)
"Minä, Askartelija", Q-teatteri, directed by Leea Klemola, (set design)
"Anna-Liisa", Kotkan teatteri, directed by Hilkka-Liisa IIvanainen, (scenographer)
"Kun maa keinuu", Rakastajat Theatre/Pori City Theatre, directed and produced by, Katariina Lohiniva, (costume design)
"Phatntom", Jyväskylä City Theatre, directed by Maiju Sallas, (scenography)
"Koiramäen Suomen historia", National Theatre, directed by Irene Aho, (set design)
"Sisarelleni", Teatteri Quo Vadis, directed by Marko Järvikallas, (costume and set design)
"Tuhkimo", Lahti City Theatre, directed by Olka Horila, ( set design)
"Kultarinta", Porin Teatteri, directed by Maiju Sallas, (cenography)
"Viettelysten vaunu", Rakastajat Theatre directed by Leea Klemola, (scenography)
"Mimmi -lehmä ja varis", The Hevosenkenkä Theatre, directed by Olka Horila, (set and costume design)
"Luulosairas", Tampere Workers Theatre,, directed by Otso Kautto, (scenography)
"Tatun ja Patun Suomi",Lahti City Theatre, directed by Olka Horila, (scenography)
"Alfanaaras", Lahti City Theatre directed by Anne Rautiainen, (scenography)
"Suku on syvältä", Tampere Workers Theatre, directed by Tuomas Parkkinen, (set design)
"Ystäväni Viiru", Ahaa Theatre, directed by Minna Nurmelin, (set and costume design)
"Mestaritontun seikkailut", Tampere Workers Theatre, directed by Minna Hokkanen, (scenography)
"Breaking the Waves", Oulu City Theatre, directed by Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen, (scenography)
"Jälkeenjäävät" Q Theatre, directed by Jani Volanen, (scene and video design collaboration /Ville Seppänen/ Sakari Tervo)
"Operaatio Prinsessa", Riihimäki Theatre, directed by Olka Horila, (set design)
"La Bayadéra", Prague National Ballet, choreografy Javier Torres, (set design)
"Jessikan pentu", Lahti City Theatre, directed by Anne Rautiainen, (scenography)
"Me Rosvolat", Lahti City Theatre, directed by Olka Horila, (scenography)
"Kaunotar ja Hirviö", Finnish National Ballet, choreography Javier Torres, (set design collaboration/ Javier Torres)
"Toisen ääni ", Espoo City Theatre, directed by Olka Horila, (set design)
"Tulipunainen hevonen", Q Theatre, directed by Antti Hietala, (scenography)
"Syntynyt LAHTEEN", Lahti City Theatre, directed by Otso Kautto, (scenography)
"Harvala", Q Theatre, directed by Minna Nurmelin, (scenography)
"Broken Heart Story", Q Theatre, directed by Saara Turunen, (scenography)
"Mistä on isot pojat tehty", National Theatre, directed by Otso Kautto, (scenography)
"Varasto", Lahti City Theatre, directed by Otso Kautto, (scenography)
"Kaupunkiketut", National Theatre, directed by Minna Nurmelin, (set and costume design)
"Kaislikossa suhisee", Lahti City Theatre, directed by Olka Horila, (set and costume design)
"Aivan kuin minua ei olisi", Q Theatre, directed by Antti Hietala, (set and video design)
"Todellinen löytö", Tampere Workers Theatre, directed by Tuomas Parkkinen, (set and costume design)
"Macbeth", Q Theatre, directed by Antti Hietala 2008 (set design and video works)
"7 veljestä" Tampere Workers Theatre, directed by Mikko Roiha 2008 (set design collaboration/Roiha and costume designer)
"Neljä Värillistä Näkyä, Dance Theatre Wimma, choreography Ulla Koivisto, (video work)
"Paha tahto", Q Theatre, directed by Antti Hietala 2006 (set design)
"3systrar", Lilla Teatern, directed by Mikko Roiha, (set and costume design)
"Elämä ja kuolema", Oulu City Theatre, directed by Mikko Roiha 2004 (set design and installation)
"Där änglar landar - mistlur", Vindhäxor, Stockholm, choreography Eva Lundqvist 2004 (costume design) "Sodankieltäjä", Espoo City Theatre, directed by Fiikka Forsman 2002 (set design)
"Ljusdykare" Vindhäxor, Stockholm, choreography E. Lundqvist 2002 (costume design)
"Equus", Vaasa City Theatre, directed by Kaija Viinikainen 2001 (set and costume design)
"Tummien perhosten koti", Riihimäki City Theatre, directed by Untamo Lepola 2001 (set and costume design)
"Taikahuilu", Finnish National Opera, directed by Lisbeth Landefort 2000 (set design)
"Eva Braun", Koko Theatre /Finnish National Gallery, directed by Kirsi Reinola 2000 (set design and video work)
"Hullun puolustuspuhe", Koko Theatre, directed by Henna Hyttinen 2000 (set design)
"Niskavuoren naiset", Rakastajat Theatre, directed by Mikko Roiha 01999 (set and costume design)
"Leijuva maa" , Piellos/Zodiak , choreography Susanna Veijalainen 1999 (set and costume design)
"Alaston kauneus ", Theatre Kehä lll , directed by Untamo Lepola 1998 (set and costume design, video works)
"Maailman laidalla" Free Theatre directed by Mikko Roiha1998 (costume design)
"Puheenvuoro Gudrun Esslinille", Koko Theatre, directed by Mikko Roiha 1997 (set and costume design)
"Amadeus - tie musiikkiin", Jyväskylä City Theatre, directed by Untamo Lepola 1996 (set and costume design)
" Marian palatsit", Kokkola City Theatre, directed by Untamo Lepola 1996 (set and costume design)
"Olen jäätä - olen leijona", Kokkola City Theatre, directed by Maija Sallas 1995 (set and costume design) "Lintujen kokous", Kokkola City Theatre, directed by Untamo Lepola 1995 (costume design)
"Turmiolan Tommi", Tamperee Workers Theatre, directed by Pentti Kotkaniemi 1990 (costume design)
"Kaukainen maani", Kajaani City Theatre (-89), directed by K. Viinikainen (costume design)
"Suden morsian" Kuopio City Theatre, directed by K. Viinikainen (costume design)
Costume designs for TV in serial productions, tv-movie productions and short films.
National Council for the Performing Arts 2009-2011 Artist Grant for 3 years
Nordic Point 2009 Travel Grant
Vantaa City 2006 Artist Grant
Arts Promotion Centre Finland 2006 Working Grant
Alfred Kordelin Foundation 1999 Working Grant
Working grant Nordiska ministerförbundet/ Nordic Co-operation 1998 Working Grant